Oh my goodness. Where to begin with this? Jenny.Was.A.Pirate.Hater was literally an idea from the song, Pirate Jenny from Kurt Weill's Three Penny Opera. Picture my first month of graduate school (September, 2013) I was invited to be part of the L.A.M.P festival (Light Artists Making Places) this past October (2013) in New Haven, CT. The theme was based around the Phantom Shippe of New Haven that was rumored to have caved in on itself as it was sighted on New Haven Colony shores many months after its arrival date. Here is the creepy part - apparently, upon it's sighting - the ship was said to have caved in on itself right before it reached the shore. Even creepier - a ghostly lone figure was said to have been at the masthead pointing its sword towards the briny deep before its watery descent. Nevertheless, what stuck out to me was the incredible amount of strength of the human spirit during this challenging time. That and others who were going through incredible challenges during the time of this myth. Probably around the 17th and 18th centuries. Even if the lone figure was a myth - the Ship itself, hailing from England took it's merry time getting there, and I can only imagine what the Captain had to do in order to keep the boat in one piece.